Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
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Annual Congress
In 2025 ANZAPPL's Annual Congress will be held in Hobart from 3-6 December at the Hotel Grand Chancellor.
Further details will be available soon.
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Past Congresses
ANZAPPL hosted its first annual congress in 1979. At first these took place at university colleges in Melbourne. A list of recent congresses is provided below.
2011: Wellington. Crime and punishment. The rising punitiveness. A joint conference with the Forensic Faculty of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry. 17-19 November.
2012: Melbourne. Evolving paradigms in forensic practice. 23-25 November.
2013: Adelaide. Human frailties, human rights, human nature: Psychiatrists, psychologists and lawyers. 28-30 November.
2014: Sydney. Vulnerability and responsibility. National and International Perspectives. 19-22 November.
2015: Canberra. Systems, clients and patients. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. 25-28 November.
2016: Auckland. The perils of belief. Contending with the consequences of cults, conspiracies and contagion. 24-26 November
2017: Perth. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law in a changing world. 23-25 November.
2018: Hobart. Sins of the past. Reflections and future directions. 21-24 November.
2019: Singapore. Collaboration and challenges across the Global South. 5-8 November. A joint conference with the Forensic Faculty of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry.
2020: Cancelled due to COVID-19.
2021: Sydney (virtual).
2022: Adelaide. Rights and responsibilities: challenges and opportunities for reform.
2023: Sydney. Co-hosted with the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Reintergration and Recovery among People in Forensic Mental Health and Criminal Legal Systems
2024: Melbourne. Signal, noise and expertise: the challenge of validity in a shifting landscape. 20-23 November.